A Woman’s Worth

We are currently preparing for the third round of A Woman’s Worth, a 4-week online domestic violence education group facilitated by case worker Brianna. The course adapts our regular face-to-face Women, Choice & Change group so that we can continue to offer it during COVID-19.

The course covers topics such as warning signs, the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, what violence looks and feels like, boundaries, communication, self-esteem and self-care. The group has been a great success, with 27 women completing the course to date. This course has attracted a diverse range of clients to Lou’s Place, including women we don’t often see at the centre. Some of these women are housed and are in long-term, stable employment. We have welcomed numerous new referrals from domestic violence court services, rehab centres, as well as self-referrals.

As a response to the domestic violence education provided, some women have made the big decision to leave their relationships. Many of the participants in the most recent round of A Woman's Worth are going on to complete another online well-being group, The Upward Spiral, currently in its second round. Brianna commented that for the clients who successfully complete one course, and then enrol in another, it’s a clear indication of how much they are enjoying and benefiting from these online groups.

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