OzHarvest Teaches New Cooking Skills For Better Health
Volunteers of OzHarvest's NEST programme have been teaching Lou’s women new cooking skills for better health. NEST (Nutrition Education Skills Training) is a six-week programme that teaches adults about healthy eating and easy, affordable cooking in a friendly and fun environment. Participants have been learning how to save money on their food budget by planning meals and reducing food waste. They're also learning to better understand food labels and store food safely.
NEST is aligned with Australian Dietary Guidelines and works with everyone to set realistic goals around healthy eating. OzHarvest is currently running its second programme at Lou's Place with five participants. One woman who has coeliac disease says that she particularly enjoys learning about proper cutting techniques such as bridge cutting and rock chopping. She has also received suggestions for appropriate ingredient substitutions, which have been helpful with her meal planning.
Thank you to the OzHarvest team for offering this programme at Lou's Place.