New Volunteer Positions at Lou's Place
We are thrilled to have several new volunteer positions at Lou's:
The All Rounder overs our busiest period of the day, from 9 am to 1 pm. A volunteer greets women who drop into Lou's, as well as helping them access showers, emergency toiletries and clothing. It is great to have another pair of hands to manage donations and/or general house issues. It has been a huge success and we are excited to roster more volunteers into this vital position.
Meditation and Breathwork now runs weekly and has become very popular. We are very grateful to be able to offer this calming and centring service to our women.
Finally, we have a hairdresser again. Visiting once a month, this service has been met with much enthusiasm. It is amazing how a 'freshen up' can lift the spirits. It has also gotten a few of us off the hook from requests to cut hair...
Thanks, as always, to our amazing team of volunteers.