New Lou's is getting a helping hand

Our new premises in Redfern is a busy place these days. 

A talented Irish concrete team has just finished building a new access ramp to enable all women to come into Lou’s. Our builder, James Taylor, and his team are framing up a new kitchen and bathroom. He has looked after us for many years in the Cross. It’s been heart-warming how many tradespeople are helping to make our new premises possible by doing work below regular rates. 

Several organisations in our generous community have donated time or goods. Balagna Design provided the architectural plans and is still helping us navigate certification and the build. A team from Decus Design, Rug Culture and Emma Blomfield Interiors are assisting with a fabulous fit out and procuring furniture from their wide network of suppliers. Winning Appliances, a new neighbour in Redfern, but a long-term friend to Lou’s Place, is donating high-quality laundry and cooking appliances.

We are so grateful to everyone who has brought us this far, but there is still much more to be done. Please jump on board and become a part of the renovation. Contribute to our joinery or plumbing budget! Donate the $500 we need for a microwave. Give $100 so we can buy new chairs - we need a lot of them! Head to our website and make a donation, making sure you put in the notes what it’s for.

If you’re feeling you could do more or want to talk about something specific, please send me an email. We’d love to hear from you.

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