Kindness Calls
Nicole Yade, general manager of Lou’s Place, initiated ‘Kindness Calls,’ to help our clients cope with the isolation of COVID-19. The calls have enabled Lou’s Place volunteers to stay in touch with clients, and they give some comfort to the many vulnerable women currently unable to access the service. Volunteers have been trained and then paired with a client for twice-weekly phone conversations. It has been a simply wonderful experience for both volunteers and clients.
From her response, I know she hugely appreciates the time we spend on the phone, when we can share thoughts, ideas and even swap recipes. We talk a great deal about music, which we both love. I have even been able to teach her some simple things, which is something quite unique for me, as a music teacher used to “in person” students. But, with her little keyboard, she is learning to play simple melodies which bring her great pleasure. I listen over my phone as she proudly plays what she has practised. What she does is remarkable for one with severe disabilities, and she is thrilled, but not as thrilled as I am. For me, Kindness Calls have been an unparalleled way of supporting the women who come to Lou’s Place and one which has been mutually rewarding.
Carol, Volunteer